Wednesday, May 28, 2014

yabedabedu. rumah kami.

alhamdulillah. me and abg SAdo..ngee (find your own defination fr this) officially moved out from rumah sewa masingmasing and starts our journey as husband and wife. *WINK*

we moved to seputeh. i dnt remember prcisely when -but if im not mistken dalam end of march mcm tu. tah out of nowhere.. ade UM kuarters offer letter received. alhamdulillah. RM420 per month for such an amazing house. and yah. its partly furnish. i am so thnkful ya Allah. i hve no question on Your plan.

our plan b4 marriage were to jst move out to our rumah sunway, besides all the lawyer thinggy n stuffs yg mcm took forever nak settle.. alhamdulillah. so there was change in plan. we r going to rent out the sunway house. we dont expect much tho. its more thn great just cvr up monthly pymnt and ada satu property. #soundsoktome. semoga Allah terus kurniakan rahmat dan rezekiNya kepada kami suami isteri. #mohondoanya #semogaplanenciksuamiberjaya

and... yup. ini every morning view tht i have to hadap besides my cute abg SAdo face!
#ohabgsado #hallomrsunshine

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