Thursday, September 29, 2011

bujang vs married guy.

"comelnye die hari ni.."
"nak amik gambar dgn die boleh x?"


"comel lah fatin ni...dah berpunya ke belom"

Agaknya yg mne satu ayat org bujang?nvm.

Dear encik bujang..xperlu nk perli2 sy tahu sy buruk.
Dear married not dat desparate.pls stop asking me silly question.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

suspect cancer.

call ayah td.mak ckp doctor ckp..mngkin bengkak2 kat bdn ayah tu cancer.i have nothing left to say.please pray for him.pls pray yg bengkak2 tu adalah bengkak biasa.pls....pls..pls. (tak berdaya) saya nak berenti keja.


رَسُولَ اللَّهِ يقول من قال " بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الذي لا يَضُرُّ مع اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ في الأرض ولا في السَّمَاءِ وهو السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ " ثَلاثَ مَرَّاتٍ لم تُصِبْهُ فَجْأَةُ بَلاءٍ حتى يُصْبِحَ وَمَنْ قَالَهَا حين يُصْبِحُ ثَلاثُ مَرَّاتٍ لم تُصِبْهُ فَجْأَةُ بَلاءٍ حتى يُمْسِيَ
(Bismillaahillazii laa yadurru ma'asmihii syai un fil ardi walaa fissamaa i wahuwassamii 'ul 'aliim)

Ertinya : Rasulullah s.a.w didengari berkata sesiapa yang berdoa : "Dengan nama Allah yang tiada dimudaratkan sesuatu apapun dengan namaNya samada di bumi dan di langit, dan Dialah maha mendengar dan maha mengetahui" sebanyak 3 kali, maka dia tidak ditimpa kesusahan bala dan musibah sehinggalah subuh esoknya, dan barangsiapa membacanya ketika subuh 3 kali, dia tidak ditimpa kesusahan bala dan musibah sehingga petangnya"

( Riwayat Abu Daud, 4/323 ; At-Tirmidizi, 5/465 dan Ahmad ; Tirmizi : Hadith Hasan)

amin ya Rabbal alamin.

Sunday, September 25, 2011 ayahda saya.

Where do i begin? about 2 hours time ill be leaving my sweet pamperd life and continue with the sad reality ive been livin in the past few days.perli2..ejek2..oh well... im not really care about others anymre.i hve mre imprtnt things to be taken cre of..jst b prfssional n do ur job.out of all the chllges dat im facing rite now..the mst challnging is leaving my dad facing his sickness on his own..byk sgguh dugaan yg menimpa at the same time.but i hope dat evrythng wll be jst fine..

As i was crying lying on his stomach td..i was thinking..whthr ive been a gud daughter of him or not?as the youngest child..i do spnd mst of my time with him.but now,ihve to leave him when i am mst needed.aku brsyukur sbb Tuhan pelihara ayah dr more serious dcises..

ya Allah.aku mohon pertolongnMu ya Allah..sembuhkn lah penyakit ayahku.berilah dia kekuatan utk mnghadpi dugaanMu ini ya Rabbi..ill do anythng fer him.

.im thnkful to God as ive been given a chance to pamperd him..the momnt he asked me to potong kuku dia is the most touching momnt ever.he rarely ask for dat momnt i felt like i am ready to dedicate my whole life takin care of heart ws greatly warmed with joy.Hes the most undrstnding prson in the whole world.even balkish noes dat his wan zainol is funneyh..he is the mst calm..penyabar..intllignt..n too much undrstnding n cnsidration to others..n kind sgt..fer sure.

My mom is 57 this year..and the gap between them is 11 years.then ya..due to dat fact..this momnt i think is the momnt where i shud be stying rite bside him..hmm. My dad is my hero..he is too hndsome to get married early.hehe.they get married when he was 35 yearsold. Hes been running all his life.lari dari anak2 murid permpuan..lari dr kene pksa kawen..lari dr cntinuing his degree in USM..comel kn dia..i wish i have more and more time to t8cre of him..insyaAllah.and it seems so hard to find someone dat can love my fther the way i do..he is hppy with his life now.his small as a daughthr..i really wish to see him plying wif my in my luxurious house.
I wll nvr leave this opprtunity walk pasthru me going to wrk hard and make my parent proud!if u dun wnna get old andz broke..and u feel intrstd in invsting in govrnmnt approved trust fund kindly pls cntact me dirctly on my mobile at *********.

Im so ****ing serious in making dis hppnt..and ill be doin this just bcause of my prnt
Semoga Allah menolong hambaNya yg dhaif dan serba kekurangan ini.amin-

p/s: bdk2 seat sbelah ni mintak pnmpar nk tdoq dia duk aloalo comelnye.dem.sehuduh huduh aku..aku x kn prasan comelnye lah.shush

Friday, September 23, 2011

♥ muhasabah diri

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Sedihku sakitku ku terima
Ku rela ku pasrah jalanku
Ini suratan aku dicoba
Demi rahmat-Mu ku memohon

Yaa Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Yaa Allah beri aku ketabahan
Yaa Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu Yaa Allah

Di dunia yang sarat godaan
Ku mohon dosaku ampunkan
Ingin bahagia, Dunia akhirat
Turunkan rahmat-Mu untukku

Yaa Allah ridhoi ketulusan hati
Yaa Allah beri aku ketabahan
Yaa Allah aku sanggup berkorban
Demi rahmat-Mu Yaa Allah