Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Windows Live Writer

Blogging can never be this easy! *woot*woot*. bestnye.updating ur blog without even hve to open ur browser.kewl kn? thx shiera!! klo rmai org lama da tau benda ni, –biasala I mmg peghak. ^^ do I look like I cre? na-ah. weee~

~mcm2 boley wat~ wheuu….


..watermark bagai. best2.mcm la nk hapdate blog slalu plk pasni. Ghost omg. emticon lg. weeeeee~ Vampire bat Thumbs up Broken heart


  1. oh i didnt mntion eh. bkn pkai hp, dia sftware ja yg install to PCs. cuma tak directly tulis kt ur blog. :D

  2. owh gitu...means tak payah bukak blog la nak tulis..sgt mudah

  3. eyep! plus its include byk kewl features sprt di atas. can jst google for free intsller on net :)
