..at this age?really fatin?adoi.i dun noe.i usually met a lot of guys yg konon nya mcm "intrested" in me kt lua.but i dunno.ssh sgt i nk give guys a positive responds.even cute guys! haish. i remember dis 1 guy yg i met at rfc alostaq years ago.ya Allah.ensem kot.tggi putih mcm farid kamil.dressing.simple!funny lg tu..mmg la my type.
tp when he asked fr my number. i jwb.."jumpa lg!" haish
"wuts wrong wif u fatin?? ensem kot mamat tu" ..dats actually the same question asked by mykak ju. dia ada kt tmpt kjadian.
waht the.... ish! all of dis cme bck to me. i now dlm tren on my wy back to arau. ni la 1st time i board tren sorg2..and.... the same things happend. well wut can i say..i just love to chase people away..
situations1. masa kat cafe.i beli milo.mamat ni ajak i duduk ngn dia kt table.he actually asked me to sit with him.n i geleng2.2. kt cafe.msa i teman zakuan.11 yo boy duk sblah seat i ajak i teman gi cafe. mamat kt counter tny nama.tny keja mna.tny2 mcm2.tp si patin?mcm dia la..3. mamat ktm ni. dia tny g mna..dia tny npe tukaqseat.i jwb "saja" n dia jwb.."sebab jwb saja.. xpa!" pastu dia duk tenung2 sblk pintu la.2 3 kali gk la... i ptut snyum ke? hmm.4. mamat depan seat i ni.xabes2 tenung i. nak tidoq pun tak boleh kot!! gya dah macam army. dan i..wat bodoh.
yg minor2..xmasuk dlm ini cerita.i tau guys mmg cmni kt smua pmpuan pn. bkn nak prasan. tp in my case..i dh dkt 30. hmmm¬ wut shud i be doing actually?
betul kot apa i wat. kot la.