Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"! cantikkan rambut dia you?!" (erk?)

..soalan ni Yuyut (bekas roomate aku kt kg kerinchi) tnya kat aku dulu masa kami b`dua menggila tggu bus nk blk rumah x smpai2. ngeee.

aku jwb lah: "heih! dosa!"
si kenet ni plak bleh jawab: "waaawaa. dosa mmg dosa, tp cntikkan? cantikkkn uuu??"

dak dak i tak cantik. tp benda yg cntik mcm rambut tu la yg kna simpan? kn? haha. frnkly, me myself pun enjoy tgk pompuan ni haha. mana habitat ni mai pun tatau la. but whn it comes to time that aku nk tau sorg gadis ni btoi2 cantik/chun ka dak.. 1 ja aku wat. i imagine her wearing hijab; tudung yg bodo2 tu(bkn yg cam yuna pkai skang) haaaa.... klo ttp comey tu.. mmg comey la dia tu.

smlm jalan2. tgk la sorg pumpuan ni. nk kata lawa..lepaih kuasa imaginasi aku ni buh tudung; --x la lawa sgt. pakai singlet. mendada..pehtu siap wat muka blagak plk masa aku tgk kat dia(mmg la aku tgk, da aku ska tgk pompuan) ades. bangga kot nooo.. syiok kot org tgk dada hg yg putih x putih sgt tu. sat sat. aku jeles ka? setau aku, im not a kind of grl dat easily get jealous wif others. tambah2 dgn grls! envy them..yess! but nvr jealous yer :D.

nothin much to update. missin my prnts so badly ;( ..but i think i bcome tuffer since my last stay in mlaka. almost everyday ill be scolded by stdnt's parents, stdnt themselvs and even staffs! <- ni head dept lain hokey. i tot she wnted to strt a lite cnversation. it ended wif she screamed at me not to talk wif her in sch way. ades. tak phm.

in conclusion:
• if you want peeps to respect you, do respect them.
• if you need a good listener, learn to listen and give attntion to wut other people say.
• if you depends/give too much to your frens, think whther o not theyll be stayin wif u when u needed them? (p/s: dat kinda fren are rarely found nowadays kn? haha)

at the end of the day, only your family will last.. who will be wif you no matter wut.
wut goes around still'll be comin around isn't it?! do respect people hokay.
respect here doesnt mean you hve to bend on ur knees in order to please them. its more thn enuf if you treated them as they need to be treated.

and..last bt not least, for the prpose of sharing mcm slalo:
Imam al-Tarmizi meriwayatkan drp Ali yg mengatakan bhw Rasulullah SAW, telah bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Jika umatku telah melakukan 15sifat, maka bencana akan menimpa mereka, (antaranya) jika seorang lelaki mematuhi isterinya, menderhakai ibunya , berbakti pada teman karibnya dan mengacuhkan (merendahkan) ayahnya."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

haaaaaaa(?!) novel(?)

..tetiba i have a feelin on writing a novel. aceywah. i remember 1 of my fren back in school who love to write stories?ke..mcm novel la kot on paper. hoho. thn it become like some kind of trend to do so. kami semua akan meminjam2 kertas itu.. hg amik bwk balik 3 keping, sok aku lak baca 3 keping hg..esok dia tulih lg 2 keping,...pinjam lg 2.

Decision made. (..where i got it when i was in the toilet just now,;p;p) i decided to write on a character who hve same characteristic as i am.. pendek kata i will put my self as the main charcter whos facing all the problematic situations. ive been influenced most probably from the news i read in newspaper everyday. keruntuhan akhlak/women exploitations. hate seeing those teenagers nowadays who are proud to commit sins.. the way they treat their parents..ish. i wish theres something i can do to make them realize that kita hidup kerana Allah, and everything we do semua kerana Allah. and if i hve somthing to ask from HIM, the only reason will be because of my parent..i dont want them to be sad or disappointed of me.

ahh! novel sgt. lihat aja nnt--:D:D:D: